Samson M'boueke

Samson M'boueke

Ph.D. in Economics

University of Notre Dame

I am an international macroeconomist with a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Notre Dame. Prior to joining Notre Dame, I received a Master's in mathematics, economics, and statistics from the African School of Economics.

My research interests lie in macroeconomics, international economics, and applied time series econometrics. I previously worked as a summer intern in the African Department at the International Monetary Fund.

I am on the job market during the 2024-2025 academic year. My Job Market Paper quantifies the importance of commodity-price shocks as a source of business cycles in emerging and developing economies, and tests whether there exists a country-level disconnect between theory and empirics on this question.

Feel free to reach out to me at:
Email :; Phone : +1 (547) 339-3694
